Fruit Tree Pest Control in 4 Simple Lessons

Nothing is more discouraging than seeing a large, mature fruit tree turn into fire wood because of a preventable or treatable pest infestation. Pests value your fruit trees for many of the same reasons you do. Fruit trees can produce a lot of food in a very small space and they can produce for several decades. This is why fruit trees are so special, and are one of the most valuable assets in your garden. Like most things of value, fruit trees do require a lot of work when it comes to planting, watering, mulching, fertilizing, wrapping, pruning, and (probably the most complex), pest control.

Cherry Fire Wood

This 4 part fruit tree pest control course will help you to understand pests and the tools available to you for managing them. 

First, we will discuss the importance of growing a healthy fruit tree. Healthy fruit trees are less susceptible to pest damage. In this lesson we will discuss what fruit trees need and how to ensure that they are receiving it.

Healthy Apple Tree

Second, we will discuss the need to identify the problem with your tree and classify the disease in such a way that you will know the best way to treat it.
Identifying Fruit Tree Disease Leads to Treatment

After we identify the problem, we will discuss the tools that you can use to mitigate fruit tree pests.

Fruit Tree Covers

Lastly we will discuss chemical pesticides and how to avoid them and when and how they should be used

If you complete this course to the end of lesson 4, then you will be given a list of common fruit tree pests and how to treat them. This is list constantly being updated and revised as new information becomes available.

Alright, let's get started!


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